Pokemon GO: Timed Research Tasks and Rewards for the Bug Out Catch Challenge
In Pokemon GO’s Bug Out Catch Challenge Timed Research, players can find a list of
In Pokemon GO’s Bug Out Catch Challenge Timed Research, players can find a list of the tasks they need to do and the rewards they can get.
If you want to take part in the Bug Out event in Pokemon GO, you can do so by working on its Timed Research. This Timed Research has three steps, and fans have until Tuesday, August 16 at 8 p.m. local time to finish it all. This guide has a full list of the tasks and rewards in Pokemon GO’s Bug Out Catch Challenge Timed Research for players who want to learn more about these steps.
Players can also do Bug Out Field Research tasks in PoGO. Some of these tasks overlap with the Timed Research tasks that are only available during the event. Because of this, players should spin PokeStops while working on the Bug Out Catch Challenge to get the most out of their rewards.
Pokemon GO: Timed Research Tasks and Rewards for the Bug Out Catch Challenge
Step 1:
Catch 25 Pokemon that are bugs (25x Poke Ball)
Walk 2 km (Beedrill Encounter)
Make 15 Good Tosses (20x Great Ball)
Make 10 Good Tosses (10x Ultra Ball)
Throw 5 curve balls (10x Pinap Berry)
You can help catch Pokemon with 10 Berries (Combee)
Step 1’s rewards are an encounter with a Shedinja, one Lure Module, and 2,500 XP.
Step 2:
Catch 25 Pokemon that are bugs (25x Poke Ball)
Make an Egg Grow (3x Golden Razz Berry)
Evolve 2 Bug-type Pokemon (Grubbin Encounter)
Make 10 Good Tosses (20x Great Ball)
Catch 10 different types of Pokemon that are bugs (50x Beedrill Mega Energy)
Take pictures of 5 different bug-type Pokemon in the wild (Venipede Encounter)
Step 2’s rewards are an encounter with a Pinsir, 1,000 Stardust, and an encounter with a Venipede.
Step 3:
Get your prize (Caterpie Encounter)
Claim Reward (1,000 XP)
Get Your Reward (Wurmple Encounter)
Get Your Reward (1,000 XP)
Claim Reward (Weedle Encounter)
Get Your Reward (1,000 XP)
When Step 3 is done, you get 50 Scizor Mega Energy and a Scyther Encounter.
The Challenge to Catch Bugs Most of Timed Research is made up of two different kinds of tasks. The first type is all about Pokemon with the Bug type, and it should be pretty easy to finish. This is because many Bug-type Pokemon will have higher spawn rates during the Bug Out event in Pokemon GO, making them easy to find.
The other kind of task tells players to do certain kinds of Throws, which goes well with the bonuses that are available during the event. More specifically, these bonuses give more XP and Candy for catching Pokemon with Nice, Great, and Excellent Throws. This encourages PoGO players to be careful when they throw their Poke Balls.
The Pokemon encounters are probably the most interesting rewards you can get from the Bug Out Catch Challenge Timed Research. Players may be especially interested in the Grubbin encounter, since it is the first time that Pokemon has been seen in the game. You might also be interested in the Scyther battle and the Scizor Mega Energy you get at the end.