Fri. Jan 17th, 2025
Pokémon Go Evolution

Calculator for Pokémon Go Evolution CP

Since Pokémon Go’s introduction, the great majority of trainers have been using one or more

Since Pokémon Go’s introduction, the great majority of trainers have been using one or more Pokémon Go Evolution Calculators (also known as CP calculators or Evolve calculators) to help them decide how to play the game more effectively. It enables users of the Pokémon Go game to compute how much Combat Power (CP) each Pokémon acquires throughout its evolution.

We have created an extremely quick and user-friendly Pokémon Go Evolution CP Calculator after studying hundreds of data sources and spreadsheets (1, 2, 3, 4). It is conveniently located at the top of this page, and there is a brief how-to instruction right here. Additionally, the CP Multipliers table below includes the Minimum, Maximum, and Average CP Multipliers as well as the quantity of Candies required for evolution.

Table of Combat Power (CP) Multipliers

Want to know the precise Combat Power (CP) multiplier for each evolution or how many Candies you would need to develop your Pokémon? The table below includes the amount of candies as well as the minimum, maximum, and average CP multipliers.

No, you need Pokémon candies.

No. Pokémon Candies Needed Min CP Multiplier Max CP Multiplier Avg CP Multiplier
1 Bulbasaur 25 1.53x 1.58x 1.555x
2 Ivysaur 100 1.2x 1.61x 1.405x
4 Charmander 25 1.64x 1.7x 1.67x
5 Charmeleon 100 1.71x 1.73x 1.72x
7 Squirtle 25 1.63x 1.66x 1.645x
8 Wartortle 100 1.4x 1.65x 1.525x
10 Caterpie 12 1.04x 1.08x 1.06x
11 Metapod 50 3.52x 3.79x 3.655x
13 Weedle 12 1.06x 1.1x 1.08x
14 Kakuna 50 3.3x 3.42x 3.36x
16 Pidgey 12 1.82x 1.95x 1.885x
17 Pidgeotto 50 1.73x 1.78x 1.755x
19 Rattata 25 2.61x 2.73x 2.67x
21 Spearow 50 2.58x 2.81x 2.695x
23 Ekans 50 2.2x 2.33x 2.265x
25 Pikachu 50 2.33x 2.38x 2.355x
27 Sandshrew 50 2.35x 2.76x 2.555x
29 Nidoran 25 1.62x 1.66x 1.64x
30 Nidorina 100 1.8x 2.04x 1.92x
32 Nidoran 25 1.65x 1.7x 1.675x
33 Nidorino 100 1.64x 1.86x 1.75x
35 Clefairy 50 2.02x 2.2x 2.11x
37 Vulpix 50 2.68x 2.74x 2.71x
39 Jigglypuff 50 2.41x 2.47x 2.44x
41 Zubat 50 2.9x 3.33x 3.115x
43 Oddish 25 1.48x 1.51x 1.495x
44 Gloom 100 1.48x 1.53x 1.505x
46 Paras 50 1.92x 2.02x 1.97x
48 Venonat 50 1.85x 1.9x 1.875x
50 Diglett 50 2.68x 2.77x 2.725x
52 Meowth 50 1.98x 2.24x 2.11x
54 Psyduck 50 2.22x 2.29x 2.255x
56 Mankey 50 2.15x 2.28x 2.215x
58 Growlithe 50 2.25x 2.36x 2.305x
60 Poliwag 25 1.72x 1.89x 1.805x
61 Poliwhirl 100 1.9x 1.96x 1.93x
63 Abra 25 1.36x 2x 1.68x
64 Kadabra 100 1.41x 1.65x 1.53x
66 Machop 25 1.62x 1.67x 1.645x
67 Machoke 100 1.48x 1.7x 1.59x
69 Bellsprout 25 1.54x 1.6x 1.57x
70 Weepinbell 100 1.47x 1.52x 1.495x
72 Tentacool 50 2.47x 2.6x 2.535x
74 Geodude 25 1.71x 1.76x 1.735x
75 Graveler 100 1.63x 1.72x 1.675x
77 Ponyta 50 1.47x 1.6x 1.535x
79 Slowpoke 50 2.19x 2.21x 2.2x
81 Magnemite 50 2.16x 2.2x 2.18x
84 Doduo 50 2.11x 2.24x 2.175x
86 Seel 50 1.96x 2.03x 1.995x
88 Grimer 50 2.03x 2.17x 2.1x
90 Shellder 50 2.62x 2.65x 2.635x
92 Gastly 25 1.75x 1.83x 1.79x
93 Haunter 100 1.53x 1.8x 1.665x
96 Drowzee 50 2.05x 2.11x 2.08x
98 Krabby 50 2.35x 2.4x 2.375x
100 Voltorb 50 2.01x 2.03x 2.02x
102 Exeggcute 50 2.7x 3.18x 2.94x
104 Cubone 50 1.65x 1.67x 1.66x
109 Koffing 50 1.95x 2.1x 2.025x
111 Rhyhorn 50 1.9x 1.91x 1.905x
116 Horsea 50 2.19x 2.23x 2.21x
118 Goldeen 50 2.14x 2.24x 2.19x
120 Staryu 50 2.35x 2.44x 2.395x
129 Magikarp 400 10.1x 11.96x 11.03x
134 Vaporeon 2.62x 2.67x 2.645x
135 Jolteon 2.01x 2.09x 2.05x
136 Flareon 2.46x 2.64x 2.55x
138 Omanyte 50 1.99x 2.12x 2.055x
140 Kabuto 50 1.97x 2.37x 2.17x
147 Dratini 25 1.8x 1.85x 1.825x
148 Dragonair 100 2.03x 2.08x 2.055x

The Pokémon Go Evolution Calculator: How to Use It

Our Pokémon Go Evolution Calculator is quite simple to use, in our opinion. On the other hand, it is always simple to include a brief how-to manual in case someone has any questions. Here it is then:

  • Pick Pokémon using the drop-down menu.
  • Put in the most recent Combat Power (CP).
  • You may see the outcomes by pressing the Evolve button.

Simple as that. Please share any further questions you may have concerning Pokémon Go Evolution or Evolution CP Calculation in the comment area below.

Most Commonly Asked Question

1. For each Pokémon Evolution, how many Candies am I going to need?

Your desired Pokémon will determine how to develop. In the table of CP Multipliers, you may get the precise quantity of Candies required.

2. Do multipliers for Combat Power (CP) impact player level?

No, the CP multipliers are unaffected by the Pokémon Go player’s level.

3. Does a Pokémon’s height or weight effect the multipliers for Combat Power (CP)?

No, the multipliers for CP are unaffected by a Pokémon’s size or weight.

4. Should I give my Pokémon the most possible strength before evolving it?

After evolving, we advise giving your Pokémon more strength.


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