Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
Colin D’Mello

How Colin D’Mello Went From Radio Reporter to Global News Star

We’ll take a closer look at the impressive career of Colin D’Mello, Global News’ Queen’s Park Bureau Chief and one of Ontario’s most well-known political journalists.

Have you ever wondered how some reporters manage to rise to prominence so quickly? How do they transition from reporting on issues with only a local impact to those with national or international ramifications? Can we take any cues from their recipe for success?

In this piece, we will examine the distinguished career of Colin D’Mello, the Queen’s Park Bureau Chief for Global News and one of Ontario’s most prominent political journalists. We will describe his remarkable climb to popularity, beginning with his days as a radio reporter in Moncton, New Brunswick, and ending with his current status as a worldwide news sensation who has broken some of the biggest provincial political scoops. What makes him unique as a journalist, including his achievements and setbacks, will also be discussed.

We hope to inspire and inform you about the wonderful world of journalism and the difference that one individual can make. Whether you’re an aspiring journalist, a curious reader, or a Colin D’Mello fan, we hope you enjoy today’s blog article and learn something new.

From Moncton to Toronto: The Early Years

Born in Mumbai, India, Colin D’Mello and his family emigrated to Canada when he was six years old. He was raised in Mississauga, Ontario, where he first became interested in journalism. In 2007, he graduated from Ryerson University with a degree in journalism.

His first job out of college was as a radio reporter for News 91.9 in Moncton, New Brunswick, where he wrote on everything from crime and politics to health and sports. Besides that, he also presented a programme called “The Hot Seat” every week, where he spoke to local celebrities and newsmakers.

He credits his time in radio with helping him hone abilities like clear communication and quick thinking. He figured out how to relate to his target demographic and share experiences that really resonated with them.

In 2009, he moved back to Ontario and was a co-founder of 1310 News in Ottawa, where he covered national and federal politics. He eventually settled in Toronto, where he reported on municipal affairs, public transport, schools and breaking news for 680 News.

He claims that his time spent in a variety of industries and sectors has given him the broad perspective and knowledge necessary to tackle the next issue he faces: television.

From CTV to Global: The Rise to Fame

Colin D’Mello, a videojournalist who has covered major stories for CTV News Toronto since 2012, is known for his in-depth coverage and exclusive interviews. He reported on major events in the city as the Yonge Street van attack, the Danforth shooting, and the Rob Ford affair.

He was promoted to cover provincial politics for all Ontario affiliates of CTV News in 2016 as the network’s Queen’s Park Bureau Chief. He discussed the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Ford government’s policies and cutbacks, and the scandals and controversies of the Wynne administration.

He describes reporting from Queen’s Park as “a dream job” and says he takes great satisfaction in calling politicians to account and enlightening the people. As a political journalist, he claims he had to deal with spin doctors, false news, and internet trolls, among other difficulties.

As a political journalist, he achieved great success and renown. His coverage of Syrian refugees in Canada earned him multiple accolades, including the 2017 RTDNA Dave Rogers Award for Best Short Feature. His 2018 coverage of the Ontario election campaign earned him a nomination for the RTDNA Ron Laidlaw Award for Continuing Coverage, and his 2019 coverage of the first year of the Ford administration earned him a nomination for the Canadian Screen Award for Best Reportage.

In 2022, he made the unexpected decision to go from CTV News Toronto to Global News, where he assumed the position of Queen’s Park Bureau Chief. According to him, he needed something different to help him develop as a journalist. He also praised the ambitious goals and dedication to excellence in journalism at Global News.

He compares his present position at Global News to his prior one at CTV News Toronto, noting that there are similarities but also key distinctions. He feels he can reach more people and get more done with the help of Global News’ resources and staff. He also enjoys the ability to try out various formats and approaches, as well as the increased independence, at Global News.

From Reporter to Star: The Secrets Behind His Success

As a political writer, Colin D’Mello has risen to international prominence in his home province of Ontario. Some of the most significant stories in provincial politics have been broken by him, and he has conducted interviews with prominent figures in the nation. The people he works with, the people he quotes, and the people who watch his work all hold him in high esteem.

What do you think his keys to success are? How does he manage to be so much better than everyone else at his job? Some of the reasons for his achievement are as follows:

  • Passion: Colin D’Mello is devoted to his career as a journalist and clearly enjoys what he does. He considers it a luxury to have access to both knowledge and power, and he likes sharing tales that others can relate to. He claims to be always interested in expanding his knowledge.
  • Persistence: Colin D’Mello is a hard worker who doesn’t give up easily. He claims he is not one to give up quickly when confronted with difficulties. He claims that he is always on the lookout for fresh information to include into his writing. He claims he is persistent in pursuing leads till he succeeds.
  • Professionalism: Colin D’Mello is a dedicated professional who always acts in an ethical manner. He claims he never reveals his sources or their information. He claims to check his sources and edit his work for accuracy. He claims he works hard for objectivity and precision in his reporting.
  • Personality: Colin D’Mello’s charisma stems from his one-of-a-kind personality. He claims to make an effort for his reporting to be honest and approachable. He claims to use comedy and pathos when needed. He claims to interact with his followers on Twitter and other platforms.
  • Performance: Colin D’Mello’s performance in this piece is outstanding. He believes his writing is simple and precise across mediums. On camera or on broadcast, he claims to exude self-assurance and communicate fluently. He claims to write tales of great quality and depth.


As a political writer, Colin D’Mello has risen to international prominence in his home province of Ontario. He began his career as a radio journalist in Moncton, New Brunswick, and has since become Global News’ Queen’s Park Bureau Chief. He has garnered acclaim and admiration for his coverage of major events in provincial politics.

When it comes to his job, he is dedicated, tenacious, expert, friendly, and productive. Aspiring journalists, inquisitive readers, and devoted fans might look up to him as an example.


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